Another morning of iceberg lettuce, this time just north of Salinas in fields owned by Martin Jefferson & Sons. And real gleaning. The commercial harvesters (some of whom we could see in the field next to ours) had been through this field awhile ago, so it took some real dedication and lots of back-bending and lifting to find fresh heads in a sea of harvest remains. Lots of brown leaves to strip, and we had to be careful to check the cores for rot. But we managed to glean over 8000 pounds of lettuce for the food banks and found plenty to take home ourselves. As always, by glean's end we'd only made a small dent in what was there for the taking. The differences between us gleaners and the commercial farmworkers working in the field next to ours were stark. They worked apace, keeping up with the tractor-pulled conveyor belt that dumped the heads in cardboard bin after bin on the flatbed right there in the field. In contrast, we filled our plastic crates and carried them a couple of minutes' walk to a pickup truck that shuttled our lettuce the two hundred yards or so back to where others of us lifted and dumped our crates into bins in the Ag Against Hunger semi. The camaraderie was great and spirits were high. Church groups from as far away as Burlingame, international students from the Monterey Institute, and nursery workers from Driscoll's Strawberries swelled our numbers, but it still took until noon to fill 12 bins. Good hard work on a sunny day, and worth the effort, but there were some tired looking folks headed back to their cars when we'd finished.
Listen to stories from the August 8th glean
My father told me a story about a family that he knew when he was younger that would go and glean on farms that had already been harvested and can the produce they got. This was a new idea for me but it sounds amazing and fits our, very tight, budget perfectly.
I am trying to raise my family of five on as healthy of food as I can and can't always afford to buy from the store. We gather a lot from the woods around our home and grow some of our food, but it isn't always enough.
I am not afraid of work and hate the thought of food going to waist. All I figure I have to do now if find a farm that would be willing to allow me to come gather their leftovers.
We live in Lebam, Washington and I am having a hard time finding any farms in Washington state or Oregon that allow gleaning.
I am grateful for any information you may have on any farms in Washington or Oregon that may allow this practice.
Thank you for your time,
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